Welcome to your Ai-je des comportements violents ? (jeune)
I always want to know where my partner is and who they're with
I easily get angry with my partner, even over small things
I often have fits of jealousy
I decide everything in the relationship
Sometimes I stop my partner seeing certain people or doing certain things
I sometimes put my partner down, at times in front of other people
I always ask my partner to pay, and never pay them back
Sometimes I shout at or call my partner names
Sometimes I break things or bang on tables
I've threatened to hurt my partner
I've pushed, slapped or hit my partner
I've forced my partner to have sexual contact when they didn't want to
I always want to know where and with whom my partner is, I monitor their calls, their mail, etc.
Sometimes I don't allow my partner to go out alone or I prevent them from seeing their friends and family
Sometimes I threaten to hurt them or to kill myself
I sometimes bang on walls, doors or furniture
I've broken things in the house or damaged their belongings
I have pushed, shoved, shaken or forcibly restrained my partner
I have slapped or hit my partner
I've threatened or hurt them with a knife or weapon
Sometimes I force them to look at pornographic material
Sometimes I make them do sexual things they don't like
I have forced my partner to have sex when they didn't want to
I force my partner to send me nude photos or videos
I show intimate photos I receive from my partner to my friends
I share sexy, nude photos of my partner on social media