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If you are an immigrant and a victim of domestic abuse, what help is available?

Switzerland, Spain, Togo, France, Peru, Ukraine, Canada, Morocco, Vietnam – no matter where you come from, you may one day experience abuse in your relationship. But what if you’ve just moved to Switzerland? What do you do if the person you left everything for turns against you? Who do you talk to? Who do you call? Where do you go? If you don’t speak the language, don’t know your rights, have no family and no job, who can you trust when your right to stay in Switzerland depends on the person who is abusing you?

In this episode we look at the difficulties faced by four people from different backgrounds who were victims of domestic violence and who have agreed to share their experiences with us. They are joined by Chloé Maire, a social worker at La Fraternité, the CSP Vaud’s social service for immigrants, who shares her experience of helping migrant people with their social and legal formalities in Switzerland.

Some voices have been changed to ensure their anonymity

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Meet the expert

Chloé Maire has been a social worker and immigration lawyer for almost 20 years at La Fraternité, the social service for immigrants run by the CSP Vaud. La Fraternité offers free advice, in particular to migrant victims of domestic violence who have obtained a residence permit through family reunification, and helps them to defend their right of residence and their social integration. She is also a member of the LAVI commission in the canton of Vaud and a member of the “Migrant women and domestic abuse” working group in French-speaking Switzerland, with which she works to defend people through lobbying, particularly with national councillors and various UN committees.



Production and visuals by Julia Guglielmetti for the Association VIOLENCE QUE FAIRE

Music: Valentin Perroud – Pylone – Bloom

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