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Confidentiality policy

For our users:

  • Confidentiality: VIOLENCE QUE FAIRE does not hold any personal data about the victims, perpetrators or witnesses using its online counselling service because questions are asked anonymously. We do hold the following information: sex/gender, year of birth, canton or country of origin, as well as the information provided by the user in the question. 
  • VIOLENCE QUE FAIRE may publish questions and answers on our website while guaranteeing anonymity and insofar as the user has given their explicit consent via the box: “I am willing to have my question published on this website”. People who do not wish to have their question published can indicate this when they ask their question by selecting: “I am not willing to have my question published on this website”. 
  • Other website visitors may find similarities to their own experiences in the published questions, as well as information, tips and advice in the answers from our professionals. Every question and answer published on our website therefore has a real multiplier effect and plays a powerful role in preventing abuse. 
  • VIOLENCE QUE FAIRE reserves the right to not publish messages that are disrespectful, contain illegal content, or are of an advertising nature. 
  • VIOLENCE QUE FAIRE can in no way be held responsible for the actions of visitors through the use of information given on this website. 
  • Visitors wishing to use the published testimonies or other content found on this website are invited to inform the Association and to cite as the source. 

The above rules apply to all users of 

Our Code of Ethics:

  • The members of the Committee, the staff and the online advisory team identify with the values of the Association and undertake to respect them. 
  • No-one is authorised to use the website to promote a particular ideology or to express any personal convictions. 
  • The professionals authorised to respond to internet users on the website treat all information confidentially and undertake not to divulge any sensitive or personal data. 

The above rules apply to all our partner institutions and the teams authorised to intervene on the website under the authority of VIOLENCE QUE FAIRE. The Association’s Committee is responsible for ensuring that their work complies with the above rules. 

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